Get connected to care

Need care? We're here to help.
From yearly check-ups and specialist visits to urgent care and hospital stays, your Devoted Health plan has got you covered.
Find doctors and providers
Having trouble finding a provider? We’re happy to help! Text us at 866-85 or call us at 1-800-DEVOTED.
Get care right away
If you’re sick or hurt and can’t get in touch with your regular doctor, call Devoted Medical™ anytime. 24/7 Care OnDemand™ is available to Devoted Health members at no cost.
Get started with a Devoted to Me visit
As a Devoted Health member, your plan includes a Devoted to Me™ visit* at no cost. It’s a personal visit where Devoted Medical gets to know you and your health — so we can make sure you get all the care you need.
Learn more about Devoted Medical
Devoted Medical’s doctors, nurses, and other clinicians are here to support the health and well-being of every Devoted Health member. They work with you and your doctor to make sure you're getting the care you need to feel your best.
*In some cases, your primary care provider (PCP) may provide a similar in-depth visit instead of a Devoted to Me visit.