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Internal Coverage Criteria for Medical Services

When reviewing a prior authorization request, Devoted Health uses InterQual™ clinical criteria for the services and procedures listed in this policy: Services reviewed using InterQual criteria (PDF)

See InterQual’s detailed coverage criteria. (Note: you'll need to create an Optum One Healthcare ID account to access the criteria.)

Learn about InterQual’s development process (PDF)

For cases when coverage criteria are not fully spelled out in these resources, we created internal coverage criteria based on current evidence in widely used treatment guidelines or in publicly available clinical literature.

Medical Services

Barostim Neo Device

Cardiac Catheterization & Coronary Angiography Clinical Criteria

Cardiac Transplantation

CardioMEMS HF System

COC Out-of-Network Dialysis

Elective Inpatient Requests Not on CMS IPO List

Gender Affirming Care

High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Ablation for Prostate Cancer

Home Health Services

Home Infusion Therapy Services

Insertable Cardiac Monitors

Intraosseous Nerve Ablation Technology Assessment

IRE Ablation for Prostate Cancer

Liver Fibrosis Testing

Lung Transplant

Minimal Residual Disease Testing for Cancer

Multi-cancer Early Detection Testing

MyoPro Orthotic Device Technology Assessment

Non-emergent Ambulance Transportation

Optimizer CCM

Renal Transplant

Replacement/Repair DME

Skin Substitute Grafts for Treatment of DFU and VLU

Superion Interspinous Spacer System Technology Assessment

Tilt Table Testing

Tumor Treatment Field Therapy

Ventricular Assist Device Technology Assessment

ZOLL Heart Failure Management System