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- Taking control of your medications
Taking control of your medications
With expert guidance from Devoted Health, you can find tips to manage medications, lower prescription costs, and improve your overall health.

By Justin Bioc | Devoted Health
March 6, 2024
Odds are, you know someone who takes at least one medication. And it can be a lot to manage by yourself. Fortunately, you’re not on your own. You have the Devoted team—and Justin Bioc—on your side.
Justin Bioc, Devoted Medical's head of pharmacy, has a simple solution to make medication management easy.
Devoted can help with most medication-related questions and concerns you have. This includes having too many medications or expensive ones. They offer a free consultation to assist you.
“People look at medications as a transaction,” Justin says. “I want them to think about medications as a journey.” And that's what a no-cost medication consult with a Devoted Medical pharmacist does.
“Together, we can plan for the year and map out an easier path,” says Justin. An easier path could be more affordable or fewer medications, or different ones. Wondering when a consult is right for you? More often than you might think.
You’re worried about medication costs
During a consult, we’ll look for ways to lower your costs with a drug cost estimator. And when you start your conversation with us, we’ll help you get the most from your current medications and look for more ways to simplify your current routine.
You want to know all your options
You may wonder if there’s a drug that’s cheaper or safer for you than the one you've been prescribed. That’s a perfect time to call for a medical consultation and talk through the alternatives.

“Together, we can plan for the year and map out an easier path.”
Justin Bioc, Devoted Medical Pharmacy Lead
You’re overwhelmed by your medications
The more medications you take, the harder they are to manage. We can do a detailed review of all your medications (prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) benefits), vitamins, and supplements. We’ll help you get the most from your medications and look for ways to simplify your medication time schedule.
You want to avoid surprises
One of the hardest things in healthcare is you never know how or when things will change. Instead, you must budget based on the best guesses. A medication consult can help you see what might be coming up and how to best plan for them.
You don’t like your medication’s side effects
Whether you're worried that side effects might appear—or don't like the ones you already have—it's worth a consult. “Sometimes, it’s a simple change,” Justin says. Many members wake up at night to use the bathroom.
This can happen when you take an over the counter diuretic, also known as a 'water pill,' before bed. All they need to do is take it in the morning!”
As a Devoted member, medication consults are no cost to you. And our pharmacists work with your doctors to make sure they’re on board with any changes.
Book your no-cost medication consult today*
Just text RXCONSULT to 83732 or call 1-800-338-6833 (TTY 711) and we'll get you scheduled.
*The medication consultation is only for current Devoted Health plan members.
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